At Upshape, we build our own personal training (PT) gyms. These are accessible to selected personal trainers who train their clients according to quality standards. The first Upshape PT gym has a surface of 450 m² and can be found in the center of The Hague.

The Upshape PT gym in The Hague works with selected trainers who train their clients according to the quality requirements below. Interested in personal training? Contact us below.
Customer friendliness
- Experience : TBA
- Education : TBA
- Focus area : TBA
- Distinction : TBA

Upshape PT Gym is gradually opening for a minimum of 25 personal trainers.
Good guidance! Good atmosphere, nice space and good equipment. In addition, the supplements are also very good.
The Whey is of excellent quality and is certainly not inferior to the well-known brands in the market!
You clearly feel that it improves your performance. Moreover, the taste is great, which is a nice bonus.
Upshape is a company where you will see results! The service is higher than other pt companies.

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